Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's easy to grow Wheat Berries and Sunflower Sprouts

I do a ton of get it.. whatever I can sprout.....those seeds/beans are sprouted w/out soil, usually in glass jars or some other sprouting device.
I'm just getting into sprouting wheat berries for wheatgrass juice, sunflower sprouts and peas, which are done in soil. As part of my Life Force Energy class, we got to sprout both wheat berries and sunflower sprouts, which was surprisingly easy to do.
You first soak your wheat berries (Hard Red Winter Wheat) and sunflower seeds (Black Oil sunflower seeds) overnight in water. The size of the tray will determine what volume of seeds to soak.
The trays are filled with soil; I use a top soil mix w/peat moss and enrich it with glacial rock powder. After the over night soak, drain and rinse the wheat berries and/or sunflower sprouts and press them into the soil.
It's best to dedicate trays, but for our class, we split 1 tray each to get started.
Gently water to make sure soil is moist, and then cover with another tray. Water again in the evening. Repeat this for 3 days, and the sprouts will actually start to push up the tray that is laying on top of it. At this point, remove the top tray and give the sprouts indirect sunlight and continue to water 2-3 times daily, depending on soil moisture.

Day 2:
Day 4:

Day 7:
Harvest the wheatgrass when you see a second, smaller piece of grass growing out of the first, ~7-10 days. The sunflower sprouts are harvested when you can see the second pair of leaves starting to grow with the larger, top pair of leaves, also ~7-10 days.
The wheatgrass obviously you juice into wheatgrass juice...the sunflower sprouts can also be juiced, or eaten straight up, they are delicious and sweet.

Eat something raw today!


  1. Oh! So you are not just sprouting, but actually growing "microgreens." I went to a farm once near Sea Island, GA, that had elevated trays of microgreens growing outside under huge live oak trees. They harvested these greens and sold them to restaurants. It was amazing how tasty these greens were, and tasted just like the vegetables that they would grow up to be if they could. I remember they had flats of beets, celery, and broccoli microgreens. They had more but I cannot remember what they were. I love your blog, btw.

  2. hey debbie! Yes, I guess you could call it growing microgreens. I haven't done the peas yet. Looking forward to eating some pea shoots!
    Thanks for the kudos on the blog. I love doing it (and my Thyme To Cook blog as well)...I enjoy your blog as well. Good stuff - great to share!
    Hope your foot is healing up quickly :) sharon
